Our Portfolios

Traditional Stock Portfolio

Who - Clients who are looking for a diverse stock portfolio.  Growth is prioritized over income without an excessive amount of volatility.

What - 24 individual stocks consisting of large cap growth, dividend paying, and unconstrained stocks.

Dividend Stock Portfolio

Who - Clients who are looking for capital preservation, current income and growth of income.

What - 15 dividend paying stocks that have increase their dividend payment each year for more than 25 years.

ETF Portfolio

Who - Clients who are looking for growth without excessive amounts of volatility.

What - 10 ETFs that are forward thinking.  Often focused on biotech, internet, clean energy, and other areas that focus on growing industries.


Who – Clients who are looking to balance growth of equity and income.

What – Growth At a Reasonable Pace (GARP). Individual stocks that show consistent earnings growth and exclude companies that we believe to be overvalued.  

The Adventure Fund

Who - Adventurous clients looking for very aggressive growth and who are comfortable with volatility.

What - Fast moving equities that are oftentimes micro cap or volatile stocks.  We rebalance frequently to sell stocks we believe are going down in price and buy stocks that we believe are going up in price.

Dividend and Adventure Fund Portfolio

Who – Clients who are looking for dividend-paying stocks and growth in income, and exposure to Adventure Fund growth stocks.

What – A combination of our dividend and microcap portfolios that is weighted to capture upside and limit volatility.    

The Everything Portfolio

Who - Clients who want 100% equity spread amongst all of our portfolios.  Growth is prioritized over income.  Requires a minimum balance.

What - A portion of each of the above portfolios.  The portfolio is designed to minimize volatility while capturing growth. This portfolio requires a minimum balance.

Fixed Income and Cash

We use a variety of fixed income strategies and cash to create a customized allocation to fit your needs.